

Dream Architecture and Architecture of the Mind FAQ FAQ: WHAT IS A DREAM ARCHITECT? An architect can be a creator that is using his ability to modelate reality at will. He can process information to an entirely new level and has knowledge from different fields of life. He is different because he has an unique...
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We will answer your questions regarding everything you need to know to grow better, faster and easier. We will provide you with the best available answer and the first question is free of charge. We will answer only to those questions that match our knowledge. We will formulate an unique and valuable answer that you...
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Our subjects include Psychology, Philosophy, Consciousness, Self help, Magic, Identity, Britannica Illustrated and much more. These are just main subjects and the type of books behind them has more diversity. If you want to improve yourself then you can accomplish that by reading books from our library. It’s easy. Let us know that you need...
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Beliefs come from many sources – upbringing, imitation of significant others, conclusions as a result of past traumas, and repetitive experiences. We build beliefs by generalizing from our experiences of the world and those of other people. Some beliefs come to us ready made from the culture and environment we are born into. When we...
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Through thousands of years our ancestors added to left-brain dominance because that was the way to get things done. The two specializations work effectively, the right supporting the left hands use of tools, including writing. Our entire system – books, schools, universities, industry, political structures, churches – is fundamentally left-brained in learning, application and operation....
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Originators of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) modelled some of the finest change-workers of the day, and came to the conclusion that the structure of a person’s thinking was playing a significant role in shaping their experience. They found that altering the structure of a person’s thinking often had a bigger impact on their experience and behaviour than exploring the content of their...
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THOUGHT creates our experience of reality; our experience of the world is created “from the inside-out.” Insightfully understanding what’s behind the scenes of our experience (seeing the nature of THOUGHT) can lead to a profound transformation, increasing clarity, security and peace of mind. People often experience a significant reduction in stress, and an increase in their sense...
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Your consciousness is like this infinite elevator. A rise in consciousness means an increase in clarity of understanding that brings you peace, perspective and greater clarity of mind. The principle of CONSCIOUSNESS brings your thinking to life. When you experience a rise in your consciousness, the habits of thinking you previously experienced as a reality...
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The “evolution” of man means the development of certain inner qualities and features which usually remain undeveloped, and cannot develop by themselves. If man does not want it, or does not want it strongly enough and does not make the necessary efforts, and get the necessary help, he will never develop. The irony is, that...
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