Is it possible for an introverted person to become more outgoing?

The short answer is "YES!"

This is dedicated to introverts as well as those who want to change their perception and become more extroverted. You don’t need to be an expert/very knowledgeable to use what I’m about to share with you. You only need the will and the ability to use the filters I’m demonstrating in this section.

Where the attention goes

Let’s pretend you’re an introvert by nature. As a result, you exhibit the characteristics of an introvert. 

An introverted person is generally more concerned with themselves than with others or the outside world. To transcend and become a person who can freely express himself, the introverted person must first put himself first. As a result, an introvert must rely on his ability to connect with the outside world.

How to apply the filters

Read the list first

Several actions are required to successfully put new strategies to become more outgoing into action.

Try to apply each of the filters one at a time, and remember to keep exercising. Try to use the filters on a daily basis, and read the list above to refresh your memory on how to do so. It takes a lot of practice to integrate all the features and make them second nature to you.


Note: Don’t force things up in any situation. You also need time to digest the information after you apply the filters. Whenever you are ready, you can try again. Listen to your body and also take into account the possible consequences. When you apply the filters, you’ll have the sense that something is not quite right because you’re trying to distort reality a little. But you need to do this in order to get more information. There will be after-effects, especially after you’ve said or done something impactful. Because of the nature of reality, you can alter the reality we live in by adding new ways of gathering information. The true nature of your being is to become a more stable and whole person. Trust the process.

How can I make myself more extroverted?

Filters that can improve your perception and can shift your current reality

Focus on your speech.
Improve your language skills and learn new things.
Try to express yourself clearly and enthusiastically. (Note how people react.)
When speaking, concentrate on clarity, and when acting, be bold.
Make an effort to say more words than you normally do.
Increase your speaking speed.
Try changing your voice’s intonation and pitch. See what works best for you (observe how others react.)


Improve your language skills and learn new things to increase the power of verbal communication.
Make an effort to say more words than you normally do.
Explanation: At first, try to express yourself by talking a lot more than usual; after a while, you will begin to auto-adjust to your normal way of being, but you will still be more extroverted than usual if you start talking more. Begin by talking superficially about anything and using words you wouldn’t normally use on that occasion.
The system is self-correcting.
When speaking, concentrate on clarity, and when acting, be bold.
Explanation: this is to improve awareness, become assertive, and improve self-esteem.
Change your pitch tone and see what works best for you. (Tip: When doing this, pay attention to how people react.)

How To Use Filters To Make Myself Feel More Extroverted


Apply the filters daily -> Read the list of filters to remember more -> Practice -> Repeat